Probing the Past to Predict the Future: Shigella flexneri from World War I

Probing the Past to Predict the Future: Shigella flexneri from World War I

Abstract: Infectious diseases are not a new phenomena. Bacteria have evolved over millions of years and have adapted to life with humans.  Understanding the history...
Cold or Flu?

Why Antibiotics are not the Answer to your Cold or Flu

Abstract: Colds and flu are viral infections. If you happen to be very unlucky and get the flu, take a break, rest up, and go...

Fighting Infections in a Microbial World

Abstract: Bacteria can be found everywhere, including in the human body where it plays an important role in our health. Your bacterial ecosystem is referred...
Antibiotic Stewardship: The Role Medical Laboratories Play

Antibiotic Stewardship: The Role Medical Laboratories Play

Abstract I often refer to antimicrobial resistance as the slow-burning pandemic that continues to spread like a smoldering wildfire – picture a large expanding, ignored...
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Here, There, and Everywhere: How Antibiotic Resistance is Now the Norm

As antibiotic resistance becomes an increasingly urgent global problem, it is important to address how resistance occurs and how it is propagated throughout the general...
Antibiotic Resistance

Canada Putting Up No Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Abstract: A number of recent developments in the last three months have catapulted antimicrobial resistance onto the world stage. Many other countries, such as the...
Antimicrobial Resistance: Too Much Study, Not Enough Action, No Time to Lose

Antimicrobial Resistance: Too Much Study, Not Enough Action, No Time to Lose

Abstract We have known about the threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for so long that it seems as though we should have solutions in hand...
Artificial Intelligence: A Solution to the Gap in Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship

Artificial Intelligence: A Solution to the Gap in Outpatient Antimicrobial Stewardship

 Peer Reviewed  Click Here for Print Version Cite as: Frenkel A, Gross D, Levi S. (2020) Artificial intelligence:  A solution to the need for outpatient antimicrobial...
Discovery Awards

The Discovery Awards: New Seed Funding Available

A new round of seed funding has been made available for teams working on diagnostic tests to reduce inappropriate antibiotic use. The Discovery Awards 2017 will...
Has the Antibiotic Course Had Its Day?

Has the Antibiotic Course Had Its Day?

Abstract Therapeutic interventions for infectious diseases are complicated by multiple factors, including unknowns surrounding the identity of the infectious agent(s), the bacterial load, and the...