Practical Infection Prevention

Practical Infection Prevention

Practical infection control and Prevention


Nigeria: Hand Hygiene after Pandemics

Abstract: Last year, Nigeria observed how an existential threat from the Ebola pandemic reinforced people’s attitude towards hand hygiene – a strongly held idea and...
Breaking the Chain at the First Link

Breaking the Chain at the First Link

 Peer Reviewed  Click here for Print Version  Disclosure statement: declare no conflict of interest with the following critical evaluation and research. No funds or influence were provided to...
HIV & Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen confirms he is HIV – positive: What You Need to Know

In an interview on NBC's Today Show, the actor Charlie Sheen (best known for his role in the American television sitcom, Two and a...
Reducing Risk with Novel Fecal Management Tools

Abstract: Reducing Risk with Novel Fecal Management Tools

Editors Note:  The following is an abstract of an upcoming perspective article. Abstract: The risk of transmission of Norovirus and Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections in...
Planning is Critical to Managing Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogen Risks in the Pandemic

Planning is Critical to Managing Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogen Risks in the Pandemic

Special Session of Legionella Conference Brings an Opportunity for Public Health and Industry Leaders to Work Together to Develop Emergency Plans and Water Safety...
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Global Antibiotic Awareness Week

Antibiotics are sometimes revered as one of humankind’s greatest discoveries. Thanks to antibiotics, the lives of billions of people have been saved.  The ubiquity of...
Position on Healthcare Visitor Hand Hygiene

Position on Healthcare Visitor Hand Hygiene

Abstract Recent public health concerns call for innovative strategies to better protect clients, healthcare workers, and visitors in the healthcare setting. Pathogens can be found...
Walking in the Woods – Lyme Disease

Walking in the Woods – Lyme Disease

I remember enjoying my walks in the woods in Manitoba, Canada, and never being too concerned about anything, maybe a turned-over tree, wet spots,...