Call to Action: COVID-19 Collaboration and Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach

Call to Action: COVID-19 Collaboration and Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach

While the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 may not have come to a surprise to many of us, the current reality of day-to-day life during the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly touched all of us. In this time of confusion, fragmented information, fear, and debate of what we could be doing, I want to challenge all professionals from various disciplines and backgrounds to unite in finding solutions.

collaborations and contributions will prove invaluable in the days to come

The insights I have gained from authors and contributors on this site have been valuable to me.  It shows that one person can make a difference, and the efforts of so many have been truly inspirational.  I believe such collaborations and contributions will prove invaluable in the days to come.

Scientists, doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, frontline workers, first responders, policy analysts, emergency managers, and industry leaders must collaborate and share their experiences, expertise, and resources to create solutions for rapidly evolving situations. For topics that include: Evidence-based Policy Discussion, Stories and Solutions (both successful and unsuccessful) from Frontline Work, Public Health Education and Resources, Discussions on Resource Management, and Innovations, Ideas, and Processes.

It is inevitable that we will be faced with a number of new issues from the front lines that will challenge our management of resources and require innovative solutions. Coronavirus research will be providing new evidence that must be considered in making effective policy directives and shape public health messages.  And most people reading this undoubtably have some experience, expertise, or insight that brings us a step closer to those solutions.

we need to bring together the experiences of top minds

We need to come up with some novel solutions for a novel coronavirus. I think it already exists, but we need to bring together the experiences of top minds to find it.  The pandemic is already here, and it’ll require a group effort to reduce its impact on the world.

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