Research and Advancement

Research and Advancement

Research and Advancement

Mosquito Sucking Blood

Four lesser known facts about Dengue

Like many tropical countries, India witnesses a cyclical spike in the number of Dengue cases every 4-5 years1. The current year has been one...
Cost-Effectiveness of Point of Use Water Filtration for Waterborne Infections

Cost-Effectiveness of Point of Use Water Filtration for Waterborne Infections

Disclosure statement: declare no conflict of interest with the following critical evaluation and research. No funds or influence were provided to by any parties. Abstract Background Numerous articles have...
The AMR Challenge: Accelerating the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

The AMR Challenge: Accelerating the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance

Later this month, as world leaders assemble at the 74th United Nations General Assembly in New York City, the US HHS Secretary, Alex Azar,...

A Preliminary Field-Relevant Test to Assess Decontamination of High-Touch Environmental Surfaces: Testing with Staphylococcus...

Download POSTER PDF: QCT-3 Poster CremCo Editor’s note: Editor’s note: The following work represents the preliminary work being performed by the authors. The study was sponsored by Process...
Rapid Testing for Antibiotic Resistant Strains of MRSA

Rapid Testing for Antibiotic Resistant Strains of MRSA

Editor Note: Dr. Graham F. Cope and Bruce Savage are two individuals participating in the Longitude Prize Challenge. The Longitude Prize is a competition...

Nigeria: Hand Hygiene after Pandemics

Abstract: Last year, Nigeria observed how an existential threat from the Ebola pandemic reinforced people’s attitude towards hand hygiene – a strongly held idea and...
Syndromic Surveillance

Syndromic Surveillance for Healthcare-Associated Infections

Abstract This paper argues that there is a poor fit between the use of precise methods of case definition and case ascertainment for reporting infection...

Fighting Infections in a Microbial World

Abstract: Bacteria can be found everywhere, including in the human body where it plays an important role in our health. Your bacterial ecosystem is referred...
Out-TB Web

New Web Surveillance Technology for Disseminating Data Critical for TB Control

Demonstration Data.  Image Courtesy of Public Health Ontario  Peer Reviewed  Abstract: The investigation of tuberculosis (TB) transmission and control is significantly enhanced in Ontario, Canada through the...
Isolation of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus from the Oral Cavity of Companion Dogs

Isolation of MRSA from the Oral Cavity of Companion Dogs

 Peer Reviewed  Abstract There is currently a great deal of concern about the methods of transfer of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in the community and...